Trinity Hospital & Medical Research Institute

(A unit of Dr Kaushal Arthroscopy & Spinal Endoscopy Centre Private Limited)

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(A unit of Dr Kaushal Arthroscopy & Spinal Endoscopy Centre Private Limited)

Preserving Mobility: Exploring Bone Marrow Osteoblast Concentrate Injection for Avascular Necrosis of the Hip


Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the hip poses significant challenges, but emerging joint preservation techniques offer hope and innovative solutions for patients seeking to maintain mobility. In this blog, we will delve into the promising approach of Bone Marrow Osteoblast Concentrate (BMAOC) injection, shedding light on its potential benefits for individuals grappling with AVN.

Understanding Avascular Necrosis and the Need for Joint Preservation:

Avascular Necrosis occurs when the blood supply to the hip joint is disrupted, leading to the deterioration of bone tissue. Traditional treatments may include medications, physical therapy, or even joint replacement in severe cases. However, joint preservation techniques like BMAOC injection aim to address the root cause by stimulating the growth of new bone tissue and promoting healing.

What is Bone Marrow Osteoblast Concentrate (BMAOC) Injection?

BMAOC injection involves extracting a concentrated solution of a patient’s own bone marrow, particularly rich in osteoblasts—cells crucial for bone formation. This concentrated mixture is then injected directly into the affected hip joint, aiming to enhance the regenerative potential and restore functionality.

Benefits of BMAOC Injection:

  1. **Stimulating Bone Regeneration:** Osteoblasts play a vital role in bone formation, and injecting a concentrated solution directly into the affected area can stimulate the regeneration of bone tissue.
  2. **Reducing Pain and Improving Functionality:** By addressing the underlying cause of AVN, BMAOC injection may help alleviate pain and improve joint functionality, potentially delaying or even avoiding the need for joint replacement surgery.
  3. **Minimally Invasive:** Compared to traditional surgical interventions, BMAOC injection is a minimally invasive procedure, typically performed on an outpatient basis.

The Procedure:

  1. **Bone Marrow Extraction:** A small amount of bone marrow is typically harvested from the patient’s hip bone.
  2. **Centrifugation and Concentration:** The extracted bone marrow is processed through centrifugation to concentrate the osteoblasts.
  3. **Injection:** The concentrated bone marrow solution, rich in osteoblasts, is then injected directly into the affected hip joint using imaging guidance.

Considerations and Future Perspectives:

  1. **Patient Eligibility:** BMAOC injection may be suitable for certain stages of AVN, and patient eligibility is determined by factors such as the extent of bone damage and overall health.
  2. **Combined Therapies:** BMAOC injection may be used in conjunction with other joint preservation techniques or as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
  3. **Ongoing Research:** Research is ongoing to further explore the efficacy and long-term outcomes of BMAOC injection for AVN, with the aim of refining and expanding its applications.


Bone Marrow Osteoblast Concentrate (BMAOC) injection represents a promising frontier in the realm of joint preservation for individuals facing Avascular Necrosis of the hip. While the field is evolving, this innovative approach offers hope for enhanced bone regeneration, reduced pain, and improved joint functionality. If you are considering joint preservation techniques like BMAOC injection, consult with your healthcare provider to explore the potential benefits and determine the most suitable course of action for your unique situation. Remember, staying informed is a crucial step towards making empowered decisions for your hip health and overall well-being.

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